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OSTF Draft Minutes 05-02-2011

                                       OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                            Minutes of the Meeting
                                                    May 2, 2011

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Herb Asplund, Betty Osborne, Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Mike Gantick, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Jeff Folger, Viney Wilson, Dr. Saud Anwar

Guests: Gene Botteron, Ginny Hole, Reporter from the Reminder

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:30.


Minutes of the April 4th meeting was accepted as amended.


Viney Wilson said there are dogs without leases at Wapping Park. We need to have Ray Favreau put a sign up stating all dogs must be on leases. Pat Botteron said not only are dogs running loose but ATVs are being used at the park which is illegal.

Pat asked the task force about using some of the funds for grocery bags.  The cost is $1.99 each.  Herb wanted to know if there were any vendors cheaper.  Pat said she didn’t know of any and Betty Warren didn’t either.  Carol Heffler motioned to purchase 150 bags for $1.99 each.  Betty Warren seconded.  The vote was unanimous.  

OLD BUSINESS           

Michelle Lipe, Director of Planning, spoke with the Town Attorney about the Cornerstone property.  The Town Attorney is waiting for approval to go ahead with the suit.  Herb Asplund motioned to have Pat Botteron write a letter to the Town Council, Mayor and Town Manager explaining the encroachment and damage to the property and that the Open Space Task Force wants the Town Attorney to proceed with legal action. We are asking for the proper authority to empower the Town Attorney to proceed.  The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Jeff Folger reported on the planning of the Property Owners meeting.  Alisha Betty and Elizabeth Moore will be speakers and the tentative dates are June 8th or 9th.      

On April 11th, Pat met with Matt Galligan, the Town Manager to discuss property updates.  The barn on the Nelson property is down.  We don’t know the status of the equipment inside.

June 5th is Trail Day at Major Donnelly Park.  100 folded brochures will be available.  Pat handed out a to-do list for events like Trail day.  Jeff will have two tables available. Jeff, Roy, Louise, Herb and Betty will be available to help.

Ginny Hole spoke on the May 15th ribbon cutting for the Community Bike Ride Lane.  

The new maps will be reviewed next month.


The balance of the meeting was walking the paths on Major Donnelly Park.

The meeting broke up after the walk at 6:55 p.m.

The next meeting will be June 6th.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue W. Larsen